Simple Food Friday
Every Friday I plan on sharing a few of the recipes my family ate throughout the previous week. I will give you the inside "scoop" on what worked and what didn't. Some dishes may have been sides, lunch, or for dinner. These were all made by us this past week or weekend, and I've also included a few photos of some of the dishes.
Some weeks I may include just 2 or 3 recipes, and other weeks I will try to give more.
Just so you know...
1) For all of my dairy, meat and eggs, you can assume I used organic/cage free/vegetarian need to repeat those words a hundred times in each recipe. For my fruits and vegetables, I also buy organic anytime I can (about 90% of the time). You can decide for yourself if you want to do the same, or not. At least either way, you won't have to read the word "organic" over and over. ;)
2) All of these meals are estimated to feed 4 people. You can adjust according to the number of people you want to feed.
3) My 2 kids eat what we eat...I don't cook separate meals for them.
4) I encourage you to read labels before buying. Try to buy items with just a few ingredients, and things you can readily own/make in your own kitchen. If the list looks like a bunch of chemicals, skip it.