Orange Cake and Frosting

I can't tell if it's my love for food or food photography..or even this pregnancy that is making we write so much about food! I apologize if it seems all I ever talk about is food, and I promise, there are more "crafty" projects in the works.

With this move going on (we should be in our new house in two weeks or so), my craft room is a wreck, but my kitchen is still in tact. :)

Today, I'd love to share an orange cake I made from scratch that was so yummy and easy to do. Naval oranges were on sale and I snagged a bunch with no idea what to do with them, until I read this recipe.
I put my girls down for their nap and whipped this thing up and took pictures all in a matter of 2 hrs, so you know it's not hard.

Below is that recipe with a few of my alterations.

Orange Cake


3 eggs
1 cup sugar
2 tsps pure vanilla 
zest of 1 orange
1/4 cup  vegetable oil
3 tablespoons all natural yogurt, I used vanilla yogurt

Mix all the above together until smooth, and then add these remaining ingredients:

2 cups flour, I used cake flour
3 tsp baking powder
juice of one orange (remove seeds!)

Continue to whisk these last ingredients and then pour into
a greased and floured pan and bake in preheated 350 oven for 25-40 mins
depending on oven.

I used a bundt pan, and it was done within 25-30 minutes. 

Just enough time for me to go photograph the orange tree next door.

I let it sit for about 10 minutes, and then I flipped it, and took it out to cool.

Great frosting ideas for this cake include fresh whipped cream! Another option would be cream cheese frosting drizzled while it is still warm, letting it seep into the cake a little more. 

Flavor your whipped cream or cream cheese frosting with a squirt of orange juice or another tablespoon of orange zest. 

NOTE: I found the moistness of the cake did not last past a day...I will need to work with this to figure out how to keep it moist a little longer. Or, maybe I'll just eat it faster:)

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