Messy LifeCreated & Upcoming Events

What a whirlwind these weeks have been preparing for the Junk In The Trunk market and now trying to reorganize my office that also doubles as a "school" room for my girls. I follow the classic model of a creative person, and maybe I am the worst of the worst.

I am always jumping from one project to another without cleaning up and at the end of it all, I have remnants of projects from last week cluttering the table. Slowly, this is changing as I have invitation orders to plan for and also homeschooling to start in the Fall...what an adventure that will be!

On the agenda for LifeCreated in May:


- This month, a typewriter print is being auctioned to help the Eschbach family with their adoption funding.

Go check out to read about them and help their cause. Kate and her family are one of a kind!


-LifeCreated's 2nd food photography workshop is on May 31 from 9-12noon. There are 3 spots left, and it would be great to have a full class! If you or a friend are in Arizona and enjoy photography and food, please come!


  •  I am speaking at Elevate Conference #elevateconf next weekend! How awesome it is going to be to shed some light about life/food photography to a bunch of ladies. I have only been to 2 local small blog conferences before, so this is something new. Have you ever gone to something like a blog conference?


wedding invitations

  • Craft night for locals is on the calendar....want to come? Bring your own craft to work on, and meet other ladies who love crafting and being inspired by each other.
  • created night
  • A PRINT SALE WILL BE HAPPENING ALL NEXT WEEK! Stay tuned on the Facebook page to snag something fun with a discount.