2018 Updates- Food & Still Life Brand Photography in Arizona

It is so sad how much I have blogged in the past several months! Blogging has been nearly impossible, and I hope in the next few posts I can catch you up on the fun we've been having around here!

I may need to hire some sort of assistant to help me with social media and blogging. Have you done that for your business?

What can I say about the last 5 months? Well, I have shot awesome food for local and national brands, like Pei Wei, Dogfather Hot Dogs, and West Elm. Not to mention, some of my favorite artists, shops and bloggers like Bari J and To Have To Host, and The Simple Farm.

Let me show you in pictures, some of my favorite captures in recent months, and I hope you will pin some of them and share them with your friends. Let's call this post #1 of 3, because I think that is how many I will have to write to get through all of my favs. 

I truly thank you for you interest in my work, and if you have an interest in shooting for brands or food businesses, contact me! Check out my "learn" page in the top corner also for updated classes and mentoring opportunities. My Instagram feed is always up to date too! 

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